Digital Storytelling
It all begins with an idea. Maybe… whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
As part of the Winter 2021 "Digital Storytelling: Humanizing Deportation with Robert Irwin" Methods Workshop, students were introduced to digital storytelling-as-method. Working closely with community organizations from both sides of the border, students dove into the complex social, cultural, political, and racial dynamics of mass-deportation in the Southern California region as well as immigrant experiences more broadly.
Film by: Eliza Franklin-Edmondson
Think Outside the Box:Raul
A chance meeting between two strangers and an exchange allows a glimpse into Raul’s life and home. The short centers around a box being more than it seems… to humanity and home being found inside of four walls “outside the box” of conventional ideas.
Ace of Spades
Independent short film done as a final for an UCLA African-American Studies Afrofuturism course taught by Tanarive Due. Film highlights homelessness on skid row as a spatial imaginary that provides a utopic environment and escape.The short eludes to the constant danger and challenges faced by Black men both visible and invisible, once outside of the boundaries of safe spaces. The close up on the American flag is the director’s way of saying the design of this country is to keep Black men oppressed…despite self-determination.