
Culturally Responsive Arts-Based Curriculum

As an undergraduate student at UCLA Eliza Jane was privileged to participate in the Visual and Performing Arts minor (VAPAE), where she obtained a teaching certificate becoming a Certified Teaching Artist. During this time, she crafted her own culturally responsive arts-based curriculum and taught it to a 6th grade class at Horace Mann UCLA Community School.

Teacher’s Associate

Eliza Jane Franklin has been involved with the facilitation of several courses at UCLA, most are cross-listed in the African-American Studies Department. Her uncanny ability to connect with students on a multitude of levels is refreshing. Over the past few years, she has successfully continued to foster genuine academic communal environments, while most courses were taught virtual. In Fall of 2021, Eliza Jane was hand selected to aide Claudia Péna and Bryonn Bain to support a UCLA course taught inside of the Victorville Federal Correctional Facility, which further enhanced her skillset of adapting to different learning spaces and styles.


AF AMER 6,Fall 2019

Black Intellectual Thought

  • Section 2C

  • Section 2D

AF AMER M5/Sociology M5, Fall 2020

Social Organization of Black Communities

  • Section 1C

  • Section 1C

  • Section 1Q

AF AMER 1,Summer 2021

Introduction to Black Studies

  • Section 1C

  • Section 1D


AF AMER CM113B/,Fall 2021

Justice Studies 1

  • Section 1A

AF AMER M115,Labor Studies M115, Spring 2022

We Gone Be Alright: Developing the Next Generation of Black Organizers


Student Testimonials

Comments below are quoted verbatim from those on the original forms, which are available upon request.

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

  • AF AMER 6 Section 2C (Summer 2019)

    I really enjoyed this course, as it helped me better understand what was going on in the lecture. Any questions I had were always addressed and my comments were taken into account. This Teaching Assistant truly cares about not only the student's understanding of the course but also how the students were doing with the freshman summer program and how we were managing the readings. This course exceeded my expectations and was extremely helpful, and kept me intrigued during every session.

  • AF AMER 6 Section 2D (Summer 2019)

    The teaching assistant came prepared to class everyday and creatively engaged students with her class lessons. With in depth analysis, she thoughtfully explained certain aspects about what we were learning. She demonstrated a passion for what she was teaching and she provided students with additional resources to help them succeed with their assignments. She was openly available for office hours as well.

  • AF AMER M5 (Fall 2020)

    I loved her. She is super engaging and down to earth. I love how she strived to make her discussions feel more like conversations as opposed to lectures.